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Marketing Management- An Asian Perspective(6版)
商品網址: http://pinkrose.info/redirect.php?k=b8e014f3a247365ea189eccdfc6bae34&uid1=&uid2=&uid3=&uid4=&uid5=
Marketing Management: An Asian Perspective, 6/E boasts a host of new features and continues with the key factors that have made the earlier editions successful.
1.Provide an Asian perspective:Asian marketing concepts and applications such as Islamic marketing, guanxi and chaelbolwill be introduced in this edition. The balanced mix of Asian and International examples and cases are featured so that students are able to better relate to the concepts that are illustrated with case studies and examples closer to home, helping them learn faster and better.
2.Unique features in helping students to learn better: A conceptual mindmap at the end of each chapter will help students see the links amongst various concepts and get the big picture. In addition, a beefed-up summary which includes key diagrams, examples and even photos will serve to consolidate the student’s knowledge and is a speedy revision tool.
3.Interactive learning on MyMarketingLab (MML):The online tutorial and assessment platform offers a wealth of hands-on activities and exercises that let students learn interactively, engaging and coaching them to becoming better marketers.
Philip Kotler
現職:Northwestern University
Kevin Lane Keller
現職:Darthmouth College
Ang Swee Hoon
現職:National University of Singapore
Leong Siew Meng
現職:National University of Singapore
Tan Chin Tiong
現職:Singapore Management University?
作者: Kotler等
新功能介紹- 出版社:華泰文化
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2013/01/31
- 語言:英文
Marketing Management- An Asian Perspective(6版)
: http://pinkrose.info/redirect.php?k=b8e014f3a247365ea189eccdfc6bae34&uid1=&uid2=&uid3=&uid4=&uid5=
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